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Ivanhoe Baptist Church LOVE discover FAITH HOPE a church for the community a church and neighbourhood centre
for the community
Ivanhoe Baptist Church and the
Livingstone Community Centre:
It's Better
Life is better when there is someone to share it with.
Ivanhoe Baptist Church

Discover a welcoming community in the heart of Ivanhoe

 Inspired by Jesus, the Ivanhoe Baptist Church Community is dedicated to fostering a warm and supportive environment for all to explore faith and share life. Join us for a Sunday service or drop by the Livingstone Community Centre during the week. With over a century of service to Ivanhoe and its surroundings, we are a community where you will discover hospitality and connection. No matter where you are on your journey, you’re invited. Find us at the corner of Waterdale Road and Livingstone Street, Ivanhoe, Victoria – a place where you can belong.



"Love God... love your neighbour..."  Mark 12:29-31

Sunday Worship Service

Sunday Mornings in the church chapel @ 10.00am

Our main weekly worship service including singing, prayer, conversation and a message from the Bible.

Following the service, you are welcome to join us for morning tea in the hall.

Communion is celebrated during the service on the 1st Sunday of the month.

On the 2nd Sunday of each month a light lunch follows the service.

Life Groups

Weekly and Ad Hoc

Wanting to explore faith and life a bit deeper.

We run events, short courses, and weekly small groups for those who wish to share life together, explore particular topics of interest in more depth, or undertake service together.

Some are online and others on-site.

See upcoming events for more information.

Livingstone Community Centre

Our community centre is a registered Neighbourhood House, a place for friendship, learning and belonging. We seek to strengthen community in a safe and positive environment and to nurture the social, intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being of all who participate.

The Centre offers affordable short courses, choirs, playgroups, support programs, the Ivanhoe Makers Market, Foodbank, and a free weekly community meal.

All are welcome.

Prayer and Pastoral Care

Thursday Mornings online @ 9.00am

Each Thursday morning a group of people gather online to pray, share and coordinate pastoral care needs

BlueCross Church Service

Fifth Thursday of the month at BlueCross Ivanhoe @ 1.45pm

A team from the church leads BlueCross Ivanhoe residents in a church service including singing, prayer and a reflection drawn from the Bible

"Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with your God"  Micah 6:8

What's Coming Up

February 2025
Feb 16
16 February 2025 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Ivanhoe Baptist Church, 1 Livingstone Street
IVANHOE, VIC 3079 Australia

Join us on Sunday as we continue our exploration of the Beatitudes - nine claims by Jesus that turn our...

Feb 19
19 February 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Livingstone Community Centre, 1 Livingstone Street
IVANHOE, VIC 3079 Australia

Each Wednesday during school terms we host a Community Lunch at the Livingstone Community Centre and you are invited. When: Every...

Feb 23
23 February 2025 10:00 am - 11:30 am
West Preston Baptist Church, 108A Cramer Street
PRESTON, VIC 3072 Australia

Join us for the first Mosaic Combined Churches Service for 2025. Ivanhoe, Regent, Rosanna and West Preston Baptist Churches combine...

March 2025
Mar 07
07 March 2025 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Ivanhoe Uniting Church, 15 Seddon Street
Ivanhoe, VIC 3079 Australia

Banyule Churches Together are pleased to host the 2025 World Day of Prayer. This year the country of focus is...

Principal Contacts
CW 2024
Lead Pastor and Livingstone Community Centre President

Craig is the church’s pastor. He works with the church’s deacons and the Livingstone Community Centre’s Committee of Management to provide leadership for the Church and its ministries.

He has extensive experience in church and denominational leadership and loves to see people growing in faith and life.

Photo of Rachael
Chair Livingstone Community Centre Committee of Management, Deacon, Safe Church Concerns Person

Rachael is a church Deacon, Safety Officer and Chair of the Livingstone Community Centre Committee of Management. She has been a member of the church since 2008 and has a professional background in clinical nursing and research.

Photo of LCC Manager
Livingstone Community Centre Manager

Genevieve is our Centre Manager. She will be happy to help anyone wanting to enrol in an activity or who just wants some advice on what is available.

Photo of LCC Admin Assistant
Administration Assistant

You will find Debra in the Office and around the Centre during the week. She’ll be very happy to assist you with your enquiries.

How to Contact Us

Complete the form below or email us direct

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    How to Find Us

    Our Partners

    A Church In The Community For The Community

    Ivanhoe Baptist Church is delighted to be able to partner with the following agencies and networks to provide Christian and Community services to Ivanhoe, Banyule, Victoria, Australia and beyond.

    Mosaic Logo

    Ivanhoe Baptist Church is a partner in the Mosaic ministry network along with West Preston, Rosanna and Regent Baptist Churches.

    Through active partnership Mosaic encourages our individual churches to flourish, impacting our local communities with the message and presence of God’s Kingdom. issues and challenges, by working collaboratively, rather than overlapping or competing on ministry opportunities.

    Banyule Churches Together Logo
    Banyule CT

    Banyule Churches Together is a fellowship of Churches who are united in their common commitment to Christ and the coming of his Kingdom, who have committed themselves to serve one another in both word and deed, who seek ways to strengthen their witness, service and worship, and search for fresh ways to express their unity in Christ so as to grow more united.

    The network comprises Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, and Uniting churches from Ivanhoe, East Ivanhoe, Heidelberg, Heidelberg West, and Rosanna.

    BUV Logo

    Ivanhoe Baptist Church is a constituted member church of the Baptist Union of Victoria.

    The Baptist Union of Victoria (BUV) is made up of over 250 churches and communities of faith throughout the state of Victoria. The BUV is a not for profit organisation, with a vision to be an association of flourishing churches with Christlike disciples that redeems society.  Our mission is to encourage, equip and empower local church leaders to advance the Kingdom of God.  

    Baptcare Logo


    Baptcare is a faith-based not-for-profit organisation that provides residential and community care for older people, support to children, families and people living with a disability, financially disadvantaged people and people seeking asylum.


    Baptist Mission Australia is the global intercultural sending agency of Australian Baptist churches and partners with Australian Baptists to see growing, vibrant faith communities emerge among least-reached people groups.


    Baptist World Aid Australia helps Australians tackle the injustice of global poverty. They partner with like-minded agencies overseas to empower communities to lift themselves out of poverty, challenge injustice and build resilience.
    NENHN logo


    Livingstone Community Centre is a member of the North East Neighbourhood House Network, a network of 35 vibrant neighbourhood houses across the North East Melbourne that share resources and work collaboratively on common priorities.

    NHV logo


    Neighbourhood Houses Victoria is the peak body for the neighbourhood house sector in Victoria. They support neighbourhood houses in the ongoing development of vibrant, inclusive and connected communities through effective community development.

    Banyule CC

    Banyule City Council partners with Livingstone Community Centre to provide community services to the Banyule community. The City of Banyule is located northeast of the Melbourne CBD covering 62.5 sq km with a population approaching 127,400 people. 

    Dept Family Fairness Housing logo

    Vic FF&H

    We partner with the State Government through their Neighbourhood House Coordination Program auspiced by the Department of Family, Fairness and Housing

    A neighbourhood house is where people can become involved in community events, find out about other services or activities in the area, join a class or support group or take up an activity for fun and enjoyment.

    Playgroup Victoria Logo

    Playgroup Victoria

    The Livingstone Community Centre is a member of Playgroup Victoria, a not-for-profit, incorporated association committed to helping all Victorian families discover the benefits of playgroup. It advocates for the benefits of play in a child’s early years of learning and act as support base for communities and families wanting to start and successfully run a playgroup.

    Magistrates' Court logo

    Heidelberg Magistrates Court

    The Heidelberg Magistrates’ Court supports the Livingstone Community Centre in providing food and material aid to those in need.

    Second Bite Logo

    Second Bite

    SecondBite is a supporter of our FoodBank program.

    SecondBite is one of Australia’s largest food rescue organisations. They work with food growers, manufacturers and retailers to rescue surplus and unsold edible food that would otherwise be wasted in landfill and distribute it to local charities and non-profits around Australia.

    Food Bank Logo


    We partner with Australia’s largest food relief organisation to provide food support through our own FoodBank.

    Foodbank Victoria, is a pantry to the charity sector providing access to good quality food for the everyday Australians who are going without.

    Baker Delight logo

    Bakers Delight - Ivanhoe Plaza

    Bakers Delight – Ivanhoe Plaza provides end of day surplus bakery products to our FoodBank each week for distribution to those needing food support.
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